
With most programs, especially new ones, there will be room for improvement.  Evaluation of your school’s sun safety policy and procedures is essential for determining effectiveness and setting goals.

Prime questions
Governing Board: What is the policy?
District: Is the policy effectively disseminated from the district to the schoolsites, personnel, parents and students?
Schoolsite: Are classroom instruction, shade options, and supportive measures provided?  Is policy effectively communicated and promoted to students, parents, and staff? 
Students and Personnel: Is sun-safe behavior practiced?

Based on answers to these questions, it should be possible to:

Sample Survey

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The primary subjects of a school’s sun safety program are the students and personnel.  To reduce their risk of developing skin cancer, instruction and environmental support should be provided to each group along with strong encouragment to practice sun-safe behavior.  Parents and teachers, as secondary subjects, should be trained in promoting sun safety to the students.

One or more individuals at each school, such as the principal, nurse, or health care coordinator, will be responsible for implementing the school’s sun safety policy or program.  He or she could provide answers to a simple survey that will yield outcomes data to enable an effective evaluation.  Merely answering the survey might stimulate heightened awareness and stronger commitment to sun safety.